Cara Menulis Artikel di Blog Agar Mudah Diindeks dan Enak Dibaca

16 Rules of Blog Writing and Layout
POSTINGAN blog harus mudah dipindai, enak dibaca, sehingga mudah pula dipahami.

Sajian teks atau tulisan di blog atau media online lainnya harus didesain sedemikian rupa agar membuat nyaman pengunjung.

If you want to make sure people enjoy reading your blog, the very act of reading your blog must be easy.

Find out which of these rules you’re breaking & learn how to fix them. Make your blog posts easier for people to scan.

Format every blog post
  1. Keep the blog post column width about 80 characters or less. 
  2. Constrain column width
  3. Break up long blog posts, help people scan read & convince them to read the rest of your post. 
  4. Use headers and sub-headers
  5. Lists help people scan blog posts fast & quickly find the information they’re looking for. Use lists 1 2 3 4 5
  6. Use punctuation to break up each paragraph into smaller pieces that make sense quickly. Use punctuation . … ? : ,
  7. Break text into manageable chunks for easier reading. Use short paragraphs
  8. Simple serif & sans-serif fonts are generally easier to read on-screen. Use appropriate fonts A
  9. Big is better. Teeny tiny writing is hard to read online, even for people with 20/20 vision.
  10. Consider your font size
  11. Use bold text to make a splash & highlight important sentences. Be bold old
  12. If you can avoid italics please do. Italics make reading difficult. Drop the italics Just don’t.
  13. Using capital letters constantly is the online equivalent of being SHOUTED AT. Use capital letters carefully
  14. Readers need somewhere to rest the eye & a good blog layout leaves plenty of blank space. Use lots of white space
  15. Make sure your blog background doesn’t make the text hard to read. On background colors
  16. Good use of images will draw readers in to your blog posts. Use relevant images
Every post you write needs to tell the same story about you, your message, your blog & your values.
  1. Be consistent. 
  2. Speaking of stories, every blog post needs to have a beginning, a middle & an end. Tell a story 

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